Sunday, July 8, 2012

30 Days of Sustainable Changes

Today, I went back and read all of my blogs since I began writing. Man, I have been through a lot since 2009, good and bad and in-between! The coolest part was being able to see the dates I published my posts, and knowing "in 3 months, that will change", or I was 25 days away from a major life event. It was so neat to see my life unfold, and know what was coming. Mostly, I talked about life, discovery, love and living. That pretty much sums me up, too. Those things make me genuinely happy!
Which brings me to the subject of this blog....30 days of sustainable changes.

A couple of days ago, I found myself pouring my heart out to a friend about how mundane and dull life was. How did I, the discoverer, the journeyer to life and self discovery become bored, dull, and mundane?!?! I think it can happen to all of us. We get comfortable and complacent, and life becomes boring. We don't work on ourselves, or focus on life, or living, we just trudge through the emotions. Know the feeling? So, what did I do? I cried, I complained and moaned to friends, and I WASTED SO MUCH TIME! I would find myself getting up in the mornings, and DOING NOTHING all day long. I would play on Facebook and play on line games, and only get through the necessary of the day. (You know, bathing, eating, and sleeping.) And then, as I was talking with my business partner, squalling my eyes out about how I couldn't get motivated to do anything, and then she said the most powerful words..."you have lost your zest for life". "Remember, you have a second chance at life, and you need to live it. You have such a big heart, so you need to make a difference."

That was my problem. I was not focusing on anybody else. I wasn't helping anyone. Heck, I wasn't even helping myself. So, I turned to the good ole' internet for some inspiration and came up with There are so many inspiring speakers that are worth your time to listen to. One of the speakers inspired me to start "living" again. He talks about doing or not doing something for 30 days. So I thought to myself...what have I been doing that has been wasting so much of my time? Facebook. Not that facebook is that way for everyone. I had allowed it to become a time waster and social time stealer for myself. Because I spent all my time on it. Because I wasn't motivated...etc. So, I decided to give up Facebook for 30 days and see how better spent my time would be. I made several lists of things I have wanted to do, or need to be done, and I plan on spending my time in that manner.

To see the video that inspired me, visit:

I will be on here, posting about how I am spending my time, and hope that you will be inspired!

I must go! I have life to live and things to do!

Kisses to my readers!